Weird Fall Colors

The reds and the golds look a little bit odd this year. Despite the nice white on the straight and up and down parts, something just isn’t quite right. I don’t know if the black stuff is a fungus or not. And those little dots remind me of pixels or LEDs on a sign.

Maybe the forest fire smoke from Idaho, Montana, California, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, and Elbonia are messing up the colors.

The gold probably is the best of all the colors, and does look kind of impressive against the blue sky.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so let me show you what I mean:


This fall scene was taken at Silverthorn, Colorado. I don’t know. This fall just doesn’t seem like the ones in the past.

Book Festival Time!

National Children’s Book Week ( is in full swing. There are book festivals from Orange County, California, to Hudson Bay. Families are going out with their kids and listening to story readings, attending workshops, and talking with authors and illustrators as the authors and illustrators sign newly purchased copies of the books. California boasts some of the biggest festivals in the country. I may be attending the Costa Mesa festival in October, 2010 with my new children’s picture book, “Dad, the Tooth Fairy Didn’t Come!“. Check out Costa Mesa’s festival at .